
Navigating Belonging: Exploring settlement for South Asians in
Hong Kong through narratives and participatory photography

// 為歸屬感確定方向:通過敘事和參與式攝影探索在香港的南亞群體的聚居地
Plant, Temple, Flower
“It's not easy for us to go to back again our country, but I want to feel the presence of my country. (...) When I go [to the temple] I feel that I am present in my own country. That's the belonging which I feel my life.” //「對我地嚟講,要返去自己嘅國家真係好難 ....... 但我依然想喺度尋找『家』嘅依歸、『家』嘅蹤影。當我去到到寺廟嗰陣,我忽然覺得自己恍如置身故鄉:呢種熟悉感,對我嚟講,就係『歸屬感』。」
Laxmi, participant from Photovoice workshop
研究參與者 Laxmi
Handwriting, Font

/ 為歸屬感定方向:




Our project Navigating Belonging explores belonging, for people from South Asian backgrounds in Hong Kong through participatory photography and digital storytelling.


Facial expression, Human body, Handwriting, Slope, Mammal, Gesture, Font, Rectangle

/ navigating belonging:

a project overview

But let us take a step back and first ask ourselves: What is belonging? This layered question can perhaps be answered in multiple ways:


Writing instrument accessory, Office supplies, Gesture, Finger, Font
Natural foods, Staple food, Ingredient, Orange, Cuisine, Recipe, Rectangle, Dish
Sleeve, Gesture, Building, Rectangle

// But if we ask, “what is belonging to you”, or even, “what does it mean to (or not to) belonging”, the answer becomes vastly varied and deeply personal for everyone or, we might not even have answers to that. of belonging, it could be described as "a person’s experience of who they are, in relation to those around them, and to places, spaces and communities.”

// 但如果問深一層:「『歸屬感』對你黎講係乜嘢一回事?」,又或者「一個人究竟點樣先算『屬於』(或者唔屬於)一個空間?」,成件事就會截然不同。對於呢兩條問題,每個人都會有唔同嘅反思 —— 甚至發覺呢個根本係無既定答案嘅無底深洞。

If we are asking for the literal meaning, or working definition of belonging, it could be described as "a person’s experience of who they are, in relation to those around them, and to places, spaces and communities.”


呢項研究旨在了解在港南亞裔人士點樣定義、感受、尋找同埋商榷佢哋嘅歸屬感 —— 換句話講,我哋想知道究竟佢哋點樣為自己嘅歸屬感定方向。


/ navigating belonging: / aims to understand how people from South Asian backgrounds in Hong Kong define, sense, find and negotiate their belonging – or in other words, how they navigate belonging.

/ This website is still in its infancy and will undergo further development:


We will be adding content and full English/Cantonese bilingual translation in the futrue. Please feel free to sign up for major updates at

我哋嚟緊會陸續加入更多內容同全面嘅英文 / 粵語雙語翻譯。歡迎大家喺 留底聯絡電郵關注我哋嘅最新消息!

The Navigating Belonging project is an activity of Nexus: The Belonging Research Network, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology ( in collaboration with the community arts-for-education lab be/longing ( It is funded by the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong (GRF16600322, 1/10/2022-31/3/2024, lead investigator James Simpson).